
Mind your Meal

In this world where everything is expensive, extra care is very much important especially within the family. With all efforts, we are trying to be cautious and sensitive especially if our family’s health is at risk. That is why we have to be careful in preparing Meals for our family.

Healthy Foods

Serve healthy and nutritious foods. Fresh vegetables are especially important for the growth and health of the children. Fruits in every meal should be considered, and of course the need of enough liquid. The need to replenish every time we lost some liquid from our body is important.

Clean Environment

This is very important to avoid diseases cause by bacteria. Cleanliness in everything we serve is very vital for the family’s health. Vegetables are to be properly clean before cooking, for instance, if we are putting cabbage for a certain menu, individually check the leaves and properly wash. Clean environment is as well an important factor for our family’s health. Practice washing our hands before preparing foods and prior to meal time. Use antibacterial soap to get rid of the germs that are spreading in our hands.

Clean Water

Make sure to use clean water in preparing meals for the family. Water used in cleaning vegetables, fruits and especially the drinking water. There are deadly diseases caused by improper cleaning of cooking ingredients and drinking of unpurified water.

Remember to serve only healthy and nutritious foods. In every Meal, make it a habit for the whole family to eat together and make that a time for catching up and a moment to bond. Mind your Meal and Be Healthy.


Milk with Melamine

It’s been all over the news, not only here in the Philippines but other countries such as South Korea, Singapore and Brunei. Banning of imports milk from China discovered with melamine content. Checking of not only milks but other dairy food products are keeping the Health officials busy.

Melamine is a chemical used in plastic, and in China cases of infants who died after taking dairy products with melamine and leaving thousands of people sick.

Here in the Philippines, Department of Health are investigating some cases of infants who are diagnosed with kidney problems, possible cause of taking milk made from China.

What is your view regarding this issue? Total banning of products made from China should be carried out? This is not the first time China made was questioned. Remember the toys made in China, were banned and were pulled out from toys stores because of the toxic substance? And now the dairy products – alarming and therefore the right time if not to totally banned, to check all the China made from foods – clothes – all items and let the people know what really is to be avoided for heath reasons.

Are we going to wait for our family to be victims before taking some needed actions? How inhuman it is to include some deadly ingredients to products all just to gain temporary riches, and let innocent people suffer. Are they not troubled and bothered by their conscience? We are really in a world where people are all worried with their personal welfare and prestige.


What is the Right Foods for your Kids

Kids are picky eaters, and parents are to make some strategies for the kids to love and like the serve foods. Yet it’s not just serving the foods that the children will be fond of, but think as well the nutrients. Let se consider some guidelines on how to make your child eat right and know the food that nourishes them;

Start feeding and serving healthy foods while they are still young. Start from a few spoons, and then gradually add few portions as they get older, this will help them form fondness on healthy foods. Be a good example to your children, show to them that you are living a healthy lifestyle especially with the right foods. Intake healthy foods and never skip meals, in doing these, you are setting the best model for them.

As parents, it is your responsibility to choose and control what foods to buy and dish up. Kids never get satisfied, you can’t either manage them to eat, they get snack that are available at home or in the fridge if they feel like doing. So store up nutritious and right foods for them, but once in a while put or serve sweets so they will not feel deprived. Never ever force your kid to finish the food especially if they have enough already. This will help them not to over indulge and gain more unneeded weight. Encourage them to eat plenty of water. Water and milk are the greatest for the kids. Fresh juices are okay once in a while, but limit their intake.
on picture - A D R I E L


How to have a Healthy Diet

There are various problems related to improper diet, this problem occurs not only in adults but also affected are the children. It is then important to know the suggested healthy diet. And below are some suggestions:

The total nutrients our body need is not available in just a single food. In every pack of food we are buying, it should be approved by FDA (Food and Drug Administration); this is our guide in getting the proper quantity of nutrients. Our meal should include the four basic food groups; these are milk, meat and eggs or poultry, twenty percent is needed, and eighty percent of vegetables, fruits and grains.

Breakfast is the important meal of the day, especially for children, this can improve their performance in school. Avoid eating snacks; instead be encouraged to eat fruits and vegetables. In our meal, it is not advisable to serve meat more than twice a day. Instead serve plenty of fish and vegetables, since meat especially red meats contain the maximum cholesterol level.

Avoid salty foods. Instead, use herbs and spices into your menu. For sweets, like sugar moderation is important. Plenty of liquid especially water is also important for a healthy diet, and diet is always harmonized with exercise. It is best to exercise after consuming rich in carbohydrates food such as rice and pasta. After 3 or 4 hours of eating, start your physical work out.
picture - f l o y d & j h a z


Grill – for a change

Thinking of serving something different for lunch or perhaps dinner? Grilled fish? Grilled meat? Is it your first time to grill or perhaps you are a culinary expert? Either of the two, here are tips that we need to consider every time we feel like serving grilled for a meal:

1. Use a clean Grill. Clean grill with wire brush before using, and to prevent food from sticking on the grill, we need to apply a non-stick cooking spray or simply brush with oil.

2. Dry and quality charcoal is needed for fast lighting and longer burn life. In storing charcoal, keep in a cool and dry place.

3. Use appropriate tools. Tong is used to turn the grilled food; this is to maintain the juiciness of the food.

4. Serve the grilled food on a different clean platter. Avoid putting them on the same platter that we used for the uncooked food.

Some people precook food for lesser grilling time. If this is our practice, it is best to put immediately the food on the preheated grill after precooking.

That’s just few tips we need to remember for a safer grilling. Start cleaning the grill, get some charcoal, heat the grill and serve something grilled for our next meal!!


Frying tips

Easiest way (I guess for me) to prepare fish or food is by frying. It may be unhealthy to eat fried foods because of the fat content, yet once in a while we are craving for fried foods. There are factors we need to consider in frying, and here are some:

Choose oil carefully, there are oils high in calories. We all know the prices of commodities are increasing; there are oils available in the supermarkets that low in calories, low in price, and best for frying. Know the taste and the smell of the food once fried with the oil we will be buying. It is also advisable to know the smoking point of the oil when heated.

Next to consider is the frying pan that we will be using. We prefer to use the deep, non-sticky pan. Make sure we are frying dry foods. Before frying fish, dry with kitchen paper, to protect the skin coat with flour or breadcrumbs.

Add enough oil to the frying pan making sure there are few spaces at the top of the pan for covering. Heat the oil over high heat but not to the point of smoking. Add the food and remember not to full pack the pan, for the food to be evenly cooked. Lower the heat if necessary, frying time varied depending on the type of food. Carefully watch the food we are frying, until browned according to our recipe.

When food is cooked, drain it and use kitchen towel or kitchen paper until served. When done, be sure to drain the oil and keep it cool before storing or reusing it.
Happy frying!


How to choose Fresh eggs and proper storage

I seldom encounter unfresh eggs, could be because I know how to choose fresh ones ;) Yet I know how irritating and disgusting to smell and break eggs that aren’t fresh. Here are the tips to help you know if the eggs in the market are fresh and the proper way to store them.

Carefully check the expiration date usually attached on the box. This is the date the eggs were laid, plus 28 days. Remember that egg can be sold up to 21 days. Next to check is the appearance. Shells of fresh eggs are rough with glossy whiteness. Fresh eggs when gently shake will not give any sound, while eggs with dry shells and shaky egg yolks are old eggs.

By breaking the egg onto even plate, we can easily see whether it is still fresh. Round and solid appearance are the identity of a fresh egg, with the thick white staying close to the yolk. A yolk that breaks easily and with thinner white are those are not really fresh.

We can as well check the eggs freshness with the use of water. Put the egg into bowl full of water, fresh egg will right away sink to the base and will lie flat on its side. Old eggs will float.

Eggs are best to store in a cool place, away from smelly vegetables and fish, the little pores of the eggs scale will let the smells to get into eggs. In storing, the rounder tip of the egg should be on top, to stop them from easily breaking and maintain its freshness.


Perfect Fried Chicken

Who doesn’t like fried chicken? Fried chicken is loved and enjoyed by people in many countries. It is always best to trust your own taste buds, so experiment and try different methods to get your perfect fried chicken.

Several cooks prepare their fried chicken by soaking in buttermilk or brine process for a juicy and tender fried chicken. This is done by placing cut chicken or pieces of chicken in brine solution and then placed in the refrigerator for half an hour or few hours; avoid brining chicken pieces for overnight. After removing the brine chicken, dip into the egg mixture and then coat with flour. Some used their own mixed batter ingredients before finally coating with flour. After coating all the chicken pieces, give few minutes to rest for the coat to stick on the chicken pieces.

For easier and faster processing, some are buying the instant breading mix or frying mix available in department stores. This ready mixed seasoning is coated into the chicken pieces, let rest for few minutes and then fry.

Deep frying – when deep frying, always use fresh oil to avoid contamination of flavors to the food. Fill half of the frying fan with oil and make sure the oil is hot enough before placing the chicken pieces. Fry chicken pieces by batches, when cooked remove and drain, then let cool. Serve with rice and gravy – perfect!

There are fast foods that offer perfect fried chickens – kfc is one :-)


Crabs and the best way to eat them

Love to eat crabs? What must we know about crabs and how really this seafood should be eaten? Let me share the result of what I have found out.

Crabs move so slowly, with 8 legs and two claws. They are related to our favorite lobsters. Some lives in the water while some in lands, with the body roofed with carapace shell. They are created with different kinds and colors.

I don’t really enjoy my meal when crabs are served on the table. Honestly I don’t enjoy eating them, so messy. Yet aside from me, my whole family is enjoying and are all satisfying themselves by using their hands when eating. True indeed, to really taste its flavor, our hands are to use instead of forks and spoons. We can recline on the table some used papers, to absorb the juice and for easier cleaning as well.

We break the crabs into half. With the meat exposed, we use our hands and enjoy biting the meat. Often, we eat the claws after we have eaten all the meats in the body parts. Best with sauce or gravy, my family loves to dip the meat on vinegar with little salt. But anyway, whatever we desire and practiced is always the best. We don’t want to miss the meats located in each corner of the shells, so carefully searched and enjoy.

But to watch out are the tiny spikes.


What to know about chocolates

There are various stories how chocolate was discovered. What is clear to my memory is that we used to grow cacao in our backyard and of course, it is the main ingredient of chocolates. People my age are not that much interested to know how our fav chocolate started, all we know and all that matters to us is the sweetness and pleasure it brings.

Still there are some things we consider in buying chocolates, we primarily check the looks – we prefer the glossy surface and without blemishes. If it looks kind of blurred or gray then the chocolate is old or not stored in a good temperature. Consider also the smell, pat our fingers over the surface to warm the chocolate and then smell the bar. If the smell is not that of chocolate, or if it has a strong smell of other ingredients then it doesn’t taste like chocolate. Now taste the chocolate, we have to trust our taste buds, and personally decide if the flavor and taste is good enough to purchase some.

The common kinds of chocolates are white and dark. How did they come up with these kinds, read this:

White chocolates – there’s a white yet a chocolate? Technically when we say chocolate, it is color brown…hmm – well, there is a lack of cocoa in the making. The primary ingredients are milk, sugar and cocoa butter – no real cocoa as in solid.

Dark chocolate – when we say dark, of course high percentage of cocoa is use. Dark chocolate is considered as a healthy chocolate, the darker it gets the healthier the chocolate is. Study shows that cocoa has an aspirin-like effect, reduces that risk of blood clots but of course when eating too much there goes the disadvantage; since chocolates are processed, it contains lot of sugar and milk fat.

Various flavors are added in chocolate, there are also chocolate with nuts. Whatever we prefer, remember not to eat too much. Eating chocolates can be addicted – there are benefits in health eating chocolates but a balance is needed since eating plenty is unhealthy. …. Now here, have a bite!!


Tips for a successful gathering

Who doesn’t love surprises? Parents especially are happy to give a surprise bash to their kids. And of course a bash is not complete if foods are absent, along with their friends and playmates. Maintaining the safety of food to be served for large number of people is important. Here are some tips on how to prepare a successful party, kids would surely love:

Success of every event is because of good planning; plan ahead the arrangement and especially the food to prepare to lessen the pressure. Cook in advance, store in the freezer then let it out the shortest time before eating starts. In some cases, due to unlimited guests you tend to undercook foods to be able to avoid them waiting, this will not likely result to your visitor’s satisfaction. Never ever reduce the cooking time, making sure foods are appropriately cooked before serving.

Barbecue is not missed on any parties. When serving barbecue especially for large number of people, the best advice is to cook the meats indoor then finish with some flavorings outside. Avoid serving undercooked meat; this could lead to food poisoning. Barbecues are best serve when hot.

Remember that to impress guests, foods serve are the secret. To make your kids party unforgettable, plan ahead on what to prepare and cook for a successful gathering. Happy Partying!


List of Unhealthy Foods to stay away from

Consumption of unhealthy foods is frequently the cause of different infirmity. If you are not yet into it, now is the best time to cut your intake of unhealthy foods. I have here some list on what to avoid serving and consuming;

Stay away from canned foods. Most of food in can contains high level of trans fat and preservatives. Same goes with processed foods such as sausages. Hotdogs then was considered bad for health, yet there are brands that are practically healthy, what is required for the consumers though are to choose the nitrate free. This ingredient is mainly the cause of cancer that is primarily taken from foods. Be aware and read the label and the ingredients on the package of every item we buy at the grocery area.

There are varieties of foods available in the markets that are full of flavorings and colorings. Often the main purpose is to attract and make the products more tempting. These are shown to be the source of cancer related ailment. Shun overwhelming yourself with soft drinks. People on diet are indulging themselves with soft drinks. This is not advisable since this is the potential cause of diabetes, and weight gain to mention the few negative effects.

The next time we buy grocery needs or foodstuff for the family, take time to decide the right and healthy foods. Carefully read the ingredients and remember to consume in moderation. Stay away from Unhealthy foods.


I don’t mind another cup of Coffee

Classic or standard coffee with a spoon of coffee mate, or sometimes pour with spoons of powdered milk, and if unavailable evaporated or condensed milk are good alternate. Instant 3-in-1 coffee if favored, these is how my sister does her cup of coffee. She used to store various kinds at home such as café latte and cappuccino. Until negative body reactions occurred, she then switched to decaffeinated coffee, yet not as frequent drinker as she was. Recently, she discovered this Nescafe Relax, decaffeinated with chamomile. It was her who introduces the complete coffee mix to our mom.

I am not a coffee fan, but tried the new Relax twice, when our chocolate container was empty. Not bad! And for me, the taste has no difference with the rest of the coffees Nescafe has market, well maybe my sister and mom savor the difference, that drinking a cup of this newly discovered coffee became their morning routine.

Once in a while, it isn’t bad to treat yourself with a cup of coffee. I would love to make myself another mug especially if it is served with some native “kakanin” (goodies or dainties) . And I wouldn’t mind another cup even if our chocolate container is jam-packed. Hey, this is not a paid post :)


blogvertise approved my blog

Can’t wait to start my first post with pay! Thanks to blogvertise, and to Rachel of course, who is kind enough to introduce me to blogvertise, who got her first paid post through this site.

This site is for those who are new to blogging yet eagerly wanting to earn some dollars just like me. I signed up yesterday and I got a quick reply, I wasn’t really expecting it since I am used of getting a longer reply from the other sites. They are not as strict as the other paid to blog websites. I tried signing up on those sites, but they’re kind of strict with their rules :(

Now I am super happy … thanks blogvertise :)