
Crabs and the best way to eat them

Love to eat crabs? What must we know about crabs and how really this seafood should be eaten? Let me share the result of what I have found out.

Crabs move so slowly, with 8 legs and two claws. They are related to our favorite lobsters. Some lives in the water while some in lands, with the body roofed with carapace shell. They are created with different kinds and colors.

I don’t really enjoy my meal when crabs are served on the table. Honestly I don’t enjoy eating them, so messy. Yet aside from me, my whole family is enjoying and are all satisfying themselves by using their hands when eating. True indeed, to really taste its flavor, our hands are to use instead of forks and spoons. We can recline on the table some used papers, to absorb the juice and for easier cleaning as well.

We break the crabs into half. With the meat exposed, we use our hands and enjoy biting the meat. Often, we eat the claws after we have eaten all the meats in the body parts. Best with sauce or gravy, my family loves to dip the meat on vinegar with little salt. But anyway, whatever we desire and practiced is always the best. We don’t want to miss the meats located in each corner of the shells, so carefully searched and enjoy.

But to watch out are the tiny spikes.

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