
why eat some Green leafy vegetables?

We are always reminded and advised by our parents to eat green leafy vegetables. I remember my mothers – who often prepare meals with leafy green vegetables; and she was strict, when she notice our plates without this green leafy thing, she will scold us (verbally of course) and will then lecture us the benefits we will get if we eat these vegetables. I can’t vividly recall the exact statement but I can remember the gist, these vegetables are full of vitamins, help us to grow faster and help us to have a healthier body. Imagine eating dark green leafy vegetables almost everyday!... I didn’t really grow :) as what my mother told me, yet there are health benefits in taking green leafy vegetables.

Green leafy vegetables according to my research are great sources of minerals and vitamins (my mom was right). Green leafy vegetables are also great source of fiber. Leafy green vegetables are used best for salad, stir-fry, and steam and best for our soups too.

I see to it that I take green leafy vegetables in my meal, though not often as my mother used to. Many thanks to our mother who taught us the importance of eating green leafy vegetables, who is still reminding us to eat nutritious green vegetables and every time we are home still serving us nutritious green leafy vegetables.

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