for Papayas choose greenish to yellow or full yellow. Soft papayas are about to rotten and avoid buying those with white patches.
as for Oranges – choose heavy in weight for juiciness. Try smelling oranges – avoid buying oranges with smell that is about to spoil.
for fresh Watermelon – choose firm, heavy, rounded and free from bruises and cracks. Tapped and buy those with resonant sound.
for Pineapple – choose those with nice ripe smell. Dark wet spots indicate over ripe pineapple.
while for Pears choose firm and slightly soft. Withered pears will not ripen.
for Mangoes – choose a firm and those when pressed yields a bit. Avoid buying mangoes with spots and black spots.
and for Bananas – when buying raw bananas, avoid putting them inside the refrigerator, let them ripen outside for a couple of days. For past ripening, often put inside a paper bag. Bananas are best eaten when yellow with brown speckles.
Cheekoo (my ever fav) – known as sapodilla around the world. Wrinkled and slightly soft when ripe. Overripe cheeko has soft spots or white fur near the stem.
for Strawberries – choose those with attached cap stem, bright and firm. Avoid buying those with large discolored patches.
Fresh fruits are important part of good diet. Taking single fruit provides all the nutrients that we all need to be healthy.
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